Sunday, June 30, 2013

Agnes Bruckner Transforms Into Anna Nicole Smith - ABC News

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side-to-side. Agnes bruckner, who started when she was 11 years old, on the daytime drama "the bold and beautiful," is all grown up and bringing us the real-life drama that was the life of anna nicole smith. She was the blonde bombshell that made headlines. The marilyn of her time, who just like marilyn, met an untimely end. Now, anna nicole smith is being immortalized in aovie called "anna nicole." Bruckner, at first glance, seems like a long shot to play the temptress. She went through a process of prosthe prosthetics. Reporter: And voila, she became anna. We figured out how we wanted to present her. Reporter: The natural brunette bleached her hair and added extensions. She required neck, neck and breast prosthetics. And to capture that monroe-like look, she donned wigs. We had these prosthetic breasts that we ended up using. Reporter: Deborah everton was the costume designer for the film. The moment I saw her, i didn't recognize her. I was wondering, who is this? Tha t passing thing. And I realized it was agnes. Reporter: Just look. Anna dressed in a dazzling gold dress. Bruckner, looking just as radiant. Walking out of court. Bruckner, a spitting image of that moment. And these rare home movies. Anna nicole smith in brown makeup. And bruckner, nearly identical. She became anna nicole for this role. Reporter: Bruckner said the role was more than perfecting the look, but also inhabiting her persona. I became protective of anna nicole and did her justice. As you may have noticed, anna nicole smith was voluptuous, and bruckner had to undergo two to four hours of prostheticsnd hair and makeup. I'm told she ate chicken cutlets to get the right lips. Might be a tip you can use. A mental note. Thanks very much, linsey.

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